Saturday, February 24, 2007

Question 2 Animal Farm

*Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?
There are many current incidents and situations that can be related to the novel. "The ignorance of animal" can be portrayed through an example of Dr. Woo Suk Hwang, who announced that he found a stem cell yet, it revealed to be a false claim. He made people believe that his experiment was true in his false thesis. Majority of the people believed and wanted to believe that Dr. Hwang’s discovery was true and had no doubts or whatsoever until later when it was revealed worldwide that Dr. Hwang had been lying about his research. That’s when confusion started and put the whole country in chaos. In the novel, Napoleon played a similar role to Dr. Woo Suk Hwang. Napoleon claimed that he was the one who planned to build the windmill and Snowball was the one who stole idea to take over the authority. Despite of Napoleon’s sly behavior, if the animals acted wisely by not just listening and believing everything Napoleon was saying but questioned him at times the result would have been much different. The animals were foolish and it clearly shows that sometimes skepticism is necessary. This novel doesn't show the exact way how to resolve or fix current situations, nevertheless teaches us a lesson from the stories (animals mistakes and their imprudent behavior). It also teaches us that education is important in making a healthy society. Chickens, lambs, horses were foolish so they never suspected the pigs even though the seven commandments constantly changed. Therefore we can acquire knowledge from the novel 'Animal Farm' that we should learn constantly educate ourselves and progress in enhancing our knowledge to defend our country. Another fact that we can learn from the novel is that people need to actively participate. The donkey, Benjamin, had a high IQ, but he rarely participated in the animal committee. If he had been more active and shared what he knew the animals could have prevented pigs from becoming too powerful. Nowadays, there are many well informed and well educated people but who doesn't like to speak the truth to the government as well as to the society just like Benjamin. In this case we can learn that active attitude can change the society in positive and better ways.

1 comment:

[Jiwon Yom] said...

Hi. The similar situation with this book, which you have found, had interested me. It was true that Dr. Hwang had falsely claimed of results which he did not acquire. It was very similar to Napoleon's actions because he lied to the animals in order to confer privileges upon his kind. Also, I agree with people being educated well and participate in their societies using the knowledge they have gathered through education. Good job~