Saturday, February 24, 2007

Question 5 Animal Farm

*What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

The overall mood of this story is dark and gloomy since it deals with the issue of dystopia. There were several situations in the novel that made me feel this way. First, when Boxer was taken to the slaughter house I felt sad and depressing. I wondered how they could be so cold-hearted to the horse that was most devoted of all the animals at the farm. After that, chickens and some pigs were killed by Napoleon and I was irritated and disheartened. He punished all the animals those that reserved him. Although Napoleon was a selfish and hypocritical ruler, nobody disobeyed him. If animals were braver and initiated one last rebellion to overthrow Napoleon, the farm would have become a little brighter and peaceful place with a new leader. I was devastated to see Napoleon gaining total authority over the farm whereas later in the end his social status corresponds with humans concurring uniformity with their utmost supposed enemy. However, the main reason I found this story dark and gloomy is because I know that the novel actually portrays the real life of this world. There are still many people out there who don’t care about anything else but for their own success and desire. I hope to see that one day the world will change and become a peaceful place to live in creating an idealized perfection – Utopia.


Sasha said...

This novel also gave me some depressing and sad feelings. I also think that "selling" Boxer for glue and killing animals that you live with is just cruel. Napoleon was just type of an animals that cared only about himself and his priority. I think if Napoleon wasnt like that the story would be way diffrent and it would be joyful.:)

Eugene Bock said...

i agree with you that the overall mood is pretty much depressive. i also agree that the other animals were not brave; they were all indifferent. i am not even sure if they were even aware of what was going on. it was also sad for me to see the depressive story because it reflects the reality. i guess we basically have same ideas.

Suzie said...

I was also sad when Boxer was sent to slaughter house. I, too, think that the pigs are so mean and those mean actions of the pig makes the story more depressing. I also agree with you that if the animals were more brave, the Animal Farm would not turned out to be so gloomy.

brian said...

nice entry about the mood of the story. i like the way how you described the story and i agree with you and also feel the same way. just like the way napoleon acts, many people turn selfish and don't care about others. an example would be Kim Jung Il. Also, i agree with the point that you stated that the rest of the animals weren't brave enough to drive out the dictator and gain the kind of life they wanted. nice job =)