Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Q.7 Lord of the Flies

*7 Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

Beach was the most beautiful place which gave me a deep impression. This place is meaningful and beautiful in many ways. First of all, Ralph and Piggy kept a shell that they found at the beach shore and the boys always met there to discuss whatever problems they had to solve. In other words, their social life began at the beach shore. This is because it was the only place where they could have conference and discussion. Ralph blew the conch to call the English boys and the boys followed his orders without complaints. This scene made me think of the respect they had toward Ralph, who was their official leader. The beach was beautiful enough that the boys always played with great joy. I imagined the scene that the boys playing with sands and babbling in water as if they were on vacation. Also, blue expansion of water symbolized 'freedom' to me. In that scene, the boys enjoyed and tasted freedom. According to this scene I could not expect how cruel they could change. Imagining the sound of the waves, I could also feel the peace in my mind, which made me feel calm and safe. Moreover, I thought that the ocean symbolized hope. Ocean is the only place that the boys could be rescued by ships. Even though they were deserted on the island without adults, they waited, watching the horizon for a sign of rescuers. Therefore, the ocean looked very hopeful and comforting to me and also for the lost boys as well. They didn't give up their hope, and it touched my heart.

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