Monday, March 19, 2007

Q.1 Lord of the flies

1*What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The book, ''Lord of the flies,” depicts conflict between civilization and savagery that exists within all human beings. We, humans act peacefully, live by the rules and value the good of the group. But in certain cases, human can change and be cruel or act violently to gratify their immediate desire. In this novel, civilization represents goodness and on the other hand, savagery represents evil. I think the conflict between the two instincts causes the English boys' misery. Indeed, they undergo series of misfortunes. For instance, the conflict between civilization and savagery is represented by two main characters, Ralph and Jack. Ralph is a leader who orders and shows great leadership and Jack is an antagonist of Ralph who shows uncivilized and desires for power. Through "Lord of the Flies,” I noticed that human could be brutal and violent. In other words, I found that the barbarous behaviors of English boys are one's true character which was hidden. This theme that human has evil side is important to a teenager because it relates to us. In current society, there are many examples of human's evil appearance. For the adults, crime as a murder is a good example and in the case of children, killing a colony of ants could be an example. These are not the only examples which happen in today's life. We can often see people who violate laws. I would like to inform teenagers that although we all have evil sides, we should not forget that that is the only animal which thinks and acts according to reason. I mean that we should not act like the English boys which action was extremely inhuman. We could learn a lesson that we should improve and develop our mind and society and make a civilized nation. I hope that we, teenagers, make a great personality and also a better society by reading this book.

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